Let's Play With Monica and Friends
Product: Series
Target: PreSchool
Genre: Edutainmement
Status: First Season available on Gigagloob
Let's Play With Monica and Friends

Let’s Play follows Monica, Cebolinha (Jimmy Five in the English version), Magali (Maggy), Cascão (Smudge) and Milena as they explore the world through games and experiments, with lots of music and fun. Their adventures are always under the watchful and astute eye of the rabbit Sansão (Samson), Monica’s inseparable companion. The preschool TV series for is aimed at four-year olds; 52 x 7′ episodes have been produced so far.

Working with MSP
Let's Play With Monica and Friends is produced by Mauricio de Sousa Produções with animation by Hype Animation, sound by Ultrassom Music Ideas, in coproduction with Giga Gloob, Gloobinho and Globoplay.
United Front

“Monica and Friends is part of Brazilian culture,” says Hype’s CEO Gabriel Garcia. “It is very rewarding to see how much care the whole team has put into this project starring the characters created by Mauricio de Sousa. We have six decades to honor.”
The first episode is available on Youtube and you can watch the rest of the series on Gigagloob